For in-person classes, caregivers agreements are as follows: 

  1. If you or your child have a cough, thick nasal discharge, a fever (within 24hours) or a severe sore throat, please stay home until well again. Make-up options available.
  2. Before entering the studio, everyone MUST clean their hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer. Please repeat during class if necessary. The studio will provide materials or you can use your own.
  3. Mask use for adults is optional but encouraged if you feel you might be ill or if you feel safer using one.
  4. Everyone agrees to be respectful and practice social distancing as best as possible. Let's find creative ways to be social, but safe.
  5. Only use your designated instruments from your assigned container. The teacher will sanitize their hands before distributing instruments during class. Practice sharing with your child only.
  6. Please contact Miss Molly by text or email if you are going to be absent. That way your spot can be open for a make-up. 

Makeups NEVER expire as long as you stay enrolled and there is space. 

Our routine is also important: For in-person classes, we take off our coats and shoes in the hallway. Socks are encouraged but not essential, as the mats do get cleaned frequently. As you enter each week help your child find a basket, filled with an instrument or something to explore near a purple family spot where you'll sit. We will fuse these baskets throughout the class to follow the routine of putting items away each time. Please leave toys from home in the hallway, but you can bring a personal blanket to sit on the whole time or bring it out for quiet time at the end. (lovies if needed are ok too for quiet time.) Water bottles are allowed, but all other drinks or foods must be consumed in the hallway. Nursing or bottle feeding is always allowed.

Other helpful tips I've garnered throughout my years of teaching to ensure you get the most value from a Kindermusik class: 

  • Please try to be on time. For the first 5-10 minutes we gather to get the children comfortable with their surroundings. This allows everyone to more easily settle down to participate with the Hello Song, a helpful routine that aids in your child’s emotional development & sense of security and self. 
  • If life has“gotten in the way” and you are late, don't fret, simply come in quietly and join the class when you & your child are ready. Never skip class because you are late. :) 
  • Kindermusik provides a special opportunity for bonding. While in class BE PRESENT with your child; take advantage of the safe carefree environment to fully focus your attention for uninterrupted one-on-one time. 
  • A child needs to feel safe & secure before they will try something new. There is no need to force participation.
  • Be careful not to compare your child to another. They all respond in their own special and wonderfully unique ways. As long as it is safe, "FOLLOW THAT CHILD!" ☺
  • Allow time for your child time to respond to the teacher’s instruction without repeating the instruction yourself.
  • Try dancing without too much talking. Simply label what you see and smile. It’s more beneficial for your child to focus completely on the feel of the movement & the magic of the music and be playful with you.
  • Be an engaging model for your child - Sing, echo, dance & move enthusiastically. Having fun is contagious. 
  • Label your child's efforts. "I see you are shaking your egg!" is just the right encouragement they need to feel accomplished. 
  • Follow your child. Meet him/her where they are developmentally to get the most from the activities. Don’t feel you have to do everything like everyone else. If your child needs to learn on the move (typical for young toddlers), move with them!
  • Should your child become truly disruptive, don't despair, it happens to all of us from time to time, gently remove them off to the side or into the hallway if necessary for a brief break. Download your calm with deep breaths and gentle eye contact until they are ready to rejoin the group. 
  • What happens between classes musically is just as important as what your child does (or does not do) in class. Make time to share music at home and on the move. The fabulous Kindermusik home materials, especially the music, will allow you to do so.
  • If you ever have a concern, please don’t hesitate to discuss it with me. Optimal learning occurs with a triangular relationship between child, educator & parent.
  • Remember to have FUN!!